Environmental Racism and Climate Justice: The Racialized Climate Catastrophe

A child navigates flooding in the Kurigram District of Bangladesh. Photo Credit: The United Nations Children's Fund/Akash In policymaking circles at home and abroad, there is a growing consensus that climate change represents a grave threat to both national and global security. From Southeast Asia to the Arctic Circle, disparate regions will contend with rising … Continue reading Environmental Racism and Climate Justice: The Racialized Climate Catastrophe

Climate Change and Armed Conflict: Assessing the World’s Most Vulnerable Region

Global map depicting warming temperatures. Photo credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech. Perhaps no region on Earth is positioned to suffer the horrors of climate change more acutely than the Middle East, which already contends with limited rainfall, prolonged droughts, and scorching heat. This is especially worrisome given that scholars posit a direct connection between rising global temperatures and … Continue reading Climate Change and Armed Conflict: Assessing the World’s Most Vulnerable Region

Instability in Gaza: Assessing Hamas’s Grip on Power

A Hamas election rally. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons. In late August, the Gaza Strip was rocked by a pair of suicide bombings that killed three police officers and injured multiple civilians.[i] Overt challenges to Hamas’s supremacy are rare, but they are not without precedent. Hamas was the victim of targeted explosions in 2015 and 2017, … Continue reading Instability in Gaza: Assessing Hamas’s Grip on Power

Unfreezing the Status Quo: Palestinian Politics After Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian President Abbas addresses the UN General Assembly. Photo Source: Reuter/Lucas Jackson. In mid-September, Israel held its second election in five months to determine the makeup of the 22nd Knesset. Noteworthy was the impressive performance by Benny Gantz and his centrist Blue and White Party, which outmaneuvered Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud for a 33-32 seat … Continue reading Unfreezing the Status Quo: Palestinian Politics After Mahmoud Abbas